Recycling industry wins equal-footing status
At the ninth meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group of the Basel Convention (OEWG-9) in Geneva, BIR’s environmental & technical director Ross Bartley demanded that the recycling industry was put on an equal footing with original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in those discussions.
The text for parity was then negotiated by the US Institute of Scrap Recycling Industry’s associate counsel, director of government and international affairs, Eric Harris. Regarding these rules, the OEWG agreed in Geneva on a two-step approach: on the one hand, all countries agree on the list of seven conditions to be met for export; or alternatively, conditions are set on a country-by-country basis.
More work on this agreement will be undertaken before the next Basel Conference of the Parties (COP), set for 2015 in Switzerland. The OEWG considers scientific and technical issues in preparation for the COP gatherings. ‘Discussions in this forum are very important for the recycling industries as these provide the groundwork for COP decisions that have wide-ranging effects as countries implement and enforce the UN-EP Basel Convention Controls on Transboundary Movements of Wastes and used equipment,’ Bartley states.
In Geneva, the OEWG’s Technical Group discussed the specific technical guidelines for wastes consisting of, containing or contaminated with 11 persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including PCBs, PBBs and PBDEs. Proposals were made to set the low threshold level of POPs in materials, which will affect what materials recyclers may in future recycle given that, above this threshold, POPs in materials will have to be irreversibly transformed or destroyed.
In addition, the OEWG’s Legal Clarity Group proposed a glossary of terms which could have far-reaching consequences in the writing of new Basel Convention guidelines, as well as in the revision of existing ones. ‘When tested against the range of wastes listed in the Basel Convention, it was clear more work was required to get a quality document,’ says Bartley. ‘It was decided to continue the work of providing definitions for certain terms and explanations for others.’
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