Auckland Inorganic Collections
As part of its 10-year budget, Auckland Council is funding a new region-wide inorganic collection service that will mean Auckland can reuse and recycle as many items as possible.
From September, the new inorganic service will be annual and will need to be booked in advance. Items will be collected from within your property.
How the new system will work:
1. We’ll send you a flyer when it’s time to book your inorganic collection.
2. If you have items you want collected, book a collection on our website, call us or visit a service centre.
3. We’ll let you know when the items will be picked up.
4. We’ll pick up the items from your property, diverting as much as we can for re-use and recycling. You can put out one cubic metre of material – about as much as a small trailer load.
The new system is a key part of Auckland Council’s Waste Management and Minimisation Plan, which was adopted after consultation in 2011 and 2012.
It will help give people’s trash a new life as treasure. Instead of going to landfill, items like your old bike, fridge or furniture will be diverted to charities and a developing network of community recycling centres.
This will be better for the community and the environment, and will help Auckland achieve its aspirational goal of zero waste by 2040.
Visit our inorganic rubbish page to find out more.