
Computer Recycling


Computer Recycling

Computer and E-waste Recycling

Electronic waste (e-waste) is one of the fastest growing waste streams around the world. Rapid technological advances mean that the average computer has a life span of less than 5 years. The problem arises at the end of its useful life and is compounded by the hazardous nature of the waste. Computers contain an array of substances such as lead, mercury, cadmium, hexavalent chromium or brominated flame retardants. These have all been shown to be harmful to humans and damaging to the environment.

In New Zealand most redundant electronic equipment is being landfilled.There is no legislation or industry-related body coordinating an effort to deal with e-waste, although the Waste Minimisation Bill which will help, is currently on its second reading in Parliament (as at March 2008). The lack of available data on the amount of e-waste generated makes it hard to determine the extent of the problem. However, e-waste in New Zealand, from the Computer Access NZ Trust has quotedapproximately 830,000 new computers were sold on the New Zealand market in 2005. There are also an estimated 10 million cathode ray tubescurrently in use or stored awaiting a disposal option in New Zealand.

It has been estimated that there are ten million cathode ray tubes currently in use or stored awaiting a disposal option in New Zealand.

Millions of cathode ray tubes (CRTs) exist in New Zealand as they make up the display device in most computers and televisions. They contain within them many toxic materials as well as the lead such as barium, cadmium, mercury and arsenic.

Small scale refurbishment and recycling is happening at a local level, where individuals are making huge efforts to extend the usable life of equipment.Organisations  and in Auckland as well as Remarkit Solutions in Wellington will take old computers for refurbishment and reuse in schools and charitable organisations. Dell has initiated a recycling program in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch.

For free computer pickup please click on  the request button below


Free Ewaste Pickup