PC Recycling
Free E-waste pickup
Free e-waste pickup PC Recycling service for 8 items or more for Auckland wide commercial areas and schools
We accept working and non-working: Computers, Lcd Monitors, Laptops, Servers, Terminals, Tablets, Router-Switch, All Network Equipment, Electronics Scrap, Cell Phones, All types of Circuit Board, Wiring & Cabling, Scientific Equipment, Typewriters, Fax Machines, PDA and Mobile phones, UPS, DVD players,Overhead projectors, Car battery, Tools, Electrical motor and much more….
sorry we don’t take TVs
Fast service, we can usually pick up same day or next day if required
To book a collection
Phone: 0800 383 323
Email: masonnznz@gmail.com

PC Recycling
What is electronic waste?
Electronic waste or e-waste as we often refer to it is old computers, file servers, printers, computer monitors, old telecommunications equipment including mobile phones, copiers, home entertainment systems and TV sets that are so old they have no further use in the community without major repairs or extensive upgrades. A vast amount of e-waste is generated in New Zealand each year and it has become a major problem in our society because it takes up large areas of landfill and most is quite hazardous.
Why is it hazardous?
Most electronic equipment contains printed circuit boards which are hazardous because of their high concentration of lead in solder, and brominated flame retardants. Computer monitors contain approximately 10-20% lead in the glass tubes. Monitor casings also contain brominated flame retardants and other chemicals, as do printers and copiers. Some equipment also contains high levels of other hazardous materials such as cadmium and beryllium.
Where does it all go?
In the past large volumes of e-waste have been exported from developed countries, including New Zealand, to developing countries such as China, India, Thailand etc. This has caused all sorts of environmental problems in those countries. Subsequently, countries such as China and Thailand have stopped accepting e-waste for recycling. Downstream processing of electronic components now must be undertaken in New Zealand or exported under very strict conditions to BASEL Convention member countries.
What are the benefits to us for recycling e-waste?
We all have a responsibility to help preserve the natural environment and to help reduce the volume of toxic waste going to landfill. Responsible approaches to disposal of toxic waste reflect favorably on your organsation and assists in the delivery of effective environmental management systems. Our business is designed to assist you by providing a complete worry free e-waste recycling solution which only deals with credible downstream recycling companies in New Zealand.